Wednesday, February 3, 2016

week 49

I have literally no idea what to write about today... I also can't even begin to explain how tempted I am to just stop writing for the rest of my mission... 
So transfers came on Monday night and I am staying in Tampa 2 for at least another six weeks with a brand new sister named Sister Felt. She is from Mission Viejo, California and is ready to work. She is a sweetheat and I am excited for the transfer.
This week I really started thinking about prayer. I mean think about it. You are on your knees talking with the most powerful Being and He is listening. It just astounds me. 
We were out working this week and I was praying that we could have some success so that Sister Felt could have some good experiences in her first week. Last week Sister Harper and I had a lot of people yell at us and I was just praying that this week wouldn't be the same.
Well we knock on this young lady's door, her name is Brittany and she invites us in because we looked pathetic and cold in the 65 degree weather. We prayed with her and started talking about her experience with God. She has never felt like God has answered a prayer, but yet she keeps praying every single day because it makes her feel better. Instantly I thought of this little poem.
I know not by what methods rare,
But this I know, God answers prayer.
I know that He has given His Word,
Which tells me prayer is always heard,
And will be answered, soon or late. 
And so I pray and calmly wait.
I know not if the blessing sought
Will come in just the way I thought;
But leave my prayers with Him alone, 
Whose will is wiser than my own,
Assured that He will grant my quest,
Or send some answer far more blest.
As we continued talking to her she stopped us and said, "Wait are you guys Mormon?" Over the next 30 seconds we made the smallest small world connection that she is the older sister of Ashley... the 15 year old that was just baptized last week. I was freaking out. Brittany had been wanting to know what her sister was up to, and what the church was all about. She has all these questions about life after death and I was literally smiling from ear to ear. Ashley never invited her sister to anything because she didn't think she would approve and so she kept her out of the picture as best she could... but we accidently tracted into her. MIRACLE. Moral of the story: God answers prayers, we just don't always recognize how.
My challenge to each of you this week is to really think as you pray. Recognize that you're not just praying to pray, but that God is listening to every word you speak. Try to avoid, "thank you for this day" and "nourish and strengthen our bodies" and "watched over and protected"... get creative, you'll feel the spirit more and you'll come to know in a very real sense, that He is listening.
Love you!
Sister Mal

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