Tuesday, February 3, 2015

week 2-blood sweat and tears

blood sweat and tears

I don't have much time-- so I'll keep it short: but here we go.

BLOOD: Sister Sackley's nose hates the world. As a child I had horrible nose bleeds, and of course they have come back to haunt her in the MTC. I've tried everything. Right now I'm craving that Florida humidity so that my nose will stop being so dry. Luckily-- I have not dropped any blood on anything. The missionaries in my district are quite impressed with my 6th sense to be able to know EXACTLY when my nose will start to bleed. I carry tissues wherever I go and I can often be found running out of meetings with Sister Johnson trailing behind me. It's great.

SWEAT: Is there such a thing as spiritually sweating? Because we are learning so much and having so many cool experiences that my heart and mind have been working on overtime lately. We talked about how anytime anyone in the scriptures had an incredible spiritual experience they fell asleep or passed out right after... I mean: Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdin, after Christ appeared in the Americas, Lehi, Lammon's father, the list goes on and on. Basically there is such a thing as spiritual exhaustion and by about 6 pm every night our district starts feeling it. It's great. We make the best time with it.

TEARS: Happy tears are the best kind of tears. We've been having a lot of them lately, especially with our sweat investigator Miss Sharon. I'll write a letter about her later- but she is wonderful and she has deepened my understanding of the atonement so much. She is also helping Sister Johnson and I prepare for some of the crazies in the South since she is from Tennessee. She is so fun though and someone that is just so easy to love. She's taught me more in just the couple hours that we've met with her than I ever thought I could learn. She's a blessing from heaven and I love her.

I head out to Tampa on Tuesday at 7:10 am! There are 13 of us travelling together but I only know the four other missionaries that are in my district. We're getting excited though. The MTC has been great- but we're off to way bigger and way better things :)

Sister Mal

and our zone vision brought to you by elder ellsworth (sing it to the pokemon theme song)
that one time we had a picnic on the floor in our room
temple walks again with the district
our district
and the TAMPA missionaries (there is a total of 13 of us flying out on tuesday)
some of the new notes we left for our new missionaries that came in this week hahahahha

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